

2014-06-06 19:19:54, duration : 8170 seconds 1 to 200 users once over 2hours

> Create Activity / request_138 Redirect 1



4 2 2

Response Time (ms)

Total OK KO
Min 0 1750 0
Max 1870 1870 10
Mean 908 1810 5
Std Deviation 903 60 5
95th percentile 1870 1870 10
99th percentile 1870 1870 10
Mean req/s 0 0 0
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Number of Requestst < 800 ms800 ms < t < 1200 mst > 1200 msfailed00.511.522.5Indicators
Created with Highstock 1.3.2ZoomResponse Time (ms)Active SessionsResponse Time (success)Response Time (failure)All Sessions09:2009:3009:4009:5010:0010:1010:2010:3010:4010:5011:0011:1011:2011:3005001,0001,5002,00001020304010:3011:0009:3010:0011:301m10m1hAllResponse Time during Simulation
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Percentage of RequestsSuccessFailure9383757113115050102030405060Response Time Distribution
Created with Highstock 1.3.2ZoomLatency (ms)Active SessionsLatency (success)Latency (failure)All Sessions09:2009:3009:4009:5010:0010:1010:2010:3010:4010:5011:0011:1011:2011:3005001,0001,5002,00001020304010:3011:0009:3010:0011:301m10m1hAllLatency during Simulation
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Global number of requests per secondResponse time7.7588.258.58.7599.259.59.751010.2510.510.751111.2505001,0001,5002,000Response Time against the Global Number of Requests per Second