

2014-06-07 13:17:53, duration : 14424 seconds ramp users 1 to 200 over 2 hours each repeat 5 times

> Save IMP / request_334



1005 966 39

Response Time (ms)

Total OK KO
Min 0 640 0
Max 60000 59460 60000
Mean 8079 7161 30815
Std Deviation 0 0 0
95th percentile 40800 28830 60000
99th percentile 60000 57420 60000
Mean req/s 0 0 0
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Number of Requestst < 800 ms800 ms < t < 1200 mst > 1200 msfailed02004006008001,0001,200Indicators
Created with Highstock 1.3.2ZoomResponse Time (ms)Active SessionsResponse Time (success)Response Time (failure)All Sessions03:3003:4504:0004:1504:3004:4505:0005:1505:3005:4506:0006:1506:3006:4507:0007:150k20k40k60k80k05010015020004:0004:3005:0005:3006:0006:3007:0003:301m10m1hAllResponse Time during Simulation
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Percentage of RequestsSuccessFailure3001230024300363004830002.557.51012.51517.5Response Time Distribution
Created with Highstock 1.3.2ZoomLatency (ms)Active SessionsLatency (success)Latency (failure)All Sessions03:3003:4504:0004:1504:3004:4505:0005:1505:3005:4506:0006:1506:3006:4507:0007:150k20k40k60k80k05010015020004:0004:3005:0005:3006:0006:3007:0003:301m10m1hAllLatency during Simulation
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Global number of requests per secondResponse time05101520253035404550550k10k20k30k40k50k60k70kResponse Time against the Global Number of Requests per Second