> Contact Search / request_294
Total | OK | KO | |
1005 | 1003 | 2 |
Response Time (ms)
Total | OK | KO | |
Min | 30 | 340 | 30 |
Max | 14420 | 14420 | 260 |
Mean | 1952 | 1955 | 145 |
Std Deviation | 1949 | 1950 | 115 |
95th percentile | 6150 | 6150 | 260 |
99th percentile | 9210 | 9210 | 260 |
Mean req/s | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Error | Count | Percentage |
Remotely Closed [id: 0x482b48e9, / :> localhost/] | 1 | 50 % |
Remotely Closed [id: 0x04b5799a, / :> localhost/] | 1 | 50 % |
Response Time during Simulation
Response Time Distribution
Latency during Simulation
Response Time against the Global Number of Requests per Second