

2014-06-07 13:17:53, duration : 14424 seconds ramp users 1 to 200 over 2 hours each repeat 5 times

> Contact Search / request_294



1005 1003 2

Response Time (ms)

Total OK KO
Min 30 340 30
Max 14420 14420 260
Mean 1952 1955 145
Std Deviation 1949 1950 115
95th percentile 6150 6150 260
99th percentile 9210 9210 260
Mean req/s 0 0 0
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Number of Requestst < 800 ms800 ms < t < 1200 mst > 1200 msfailed0100200300400500600Indicators
Created with Highstock 1.3.2ZoomResponse Time (ms)Active SessionsResponse Time (success)Response Time (failure)All Sessions03:3003:4504:0004:1504:3004:4505:0005:1505:3005:4506:0006:1506:3006:4507:0007:150k5k10k15k20k05010015020004:0004:3005:0005:3006:0006:3007:0003:301m10m1hAllResponse Time during Simulation
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Percentage of RequestsSuccessFailure1022980585887361161402.557.51012.51517.5Response Time Distribution
Created with Highstock 1.3.2ZoomLatency (ms)Active SessionsLatency (success)Latency (failure)All Sessions03:3003:4504:0004:1504:3004:4505:0005:1505:3005:4506:0006:1506:3006:4507:0007:150k5k10k15k20k05010015020004:0004:3005:0005:3006:0006:3007:0003:301m10m1hAllLatency during Simulation
Created with Highstock 1.3.2Global number of requests per secondResponse time05101520253035404550550k2.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k17.5kResponse Time against the Global Number of Requests per Second