> do person search
Total | OK | KO | |
90 | 51 | 39 |
Response Time (ms)
Total | OK | KO | |
Min | 2903550 | 2964850 | 2903550 |
Max | 4603400 | 4603400 | 4507650 |
Mean | 4049231 | 4103564 | 3978179 |
Std Deviation | 0 | 0 | 0 |
95th percentile | 4503600 | 4503600 | 4488800 |
99th percentile | 4583100 | 4583100 | 4507650 |
Mean req/s | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Error | Count | Percentage |
Request reached time out of 60000 ms after 60001 ms | 33 | 66 % |
Request reached time out of 60000 ms after 60000 ms | 17 | 34 % |
Group duration during Simulation
Group Duration Distribution