Karl's Code

and other code related stuff


After recording a session I had trouble replaying a post without errors. The post contained

.post(uri6 + """/Api/v1/Jobs""")
.formParam("""jobReceived""", """2014-09-17T16:04:50+10:00""")
.formParam("""supportJob""", """false""")
.formParam("""aviationJob""", """false""")
.formParam("""address%5Blocality%5D""", """SHELLHARBOUR""")
.formParam("""address%5Btype%5D""", """L""")

The problem was that the recorder had replace square brackets with %5B and %5D. I needed to replace then back to

.post(uri6 + """/Api/v1/Jobs""")
.formParam("""jobReceived""", """2014-09-17T16:04:50+10:00""")
.formParam("""supportJob""", """false""")
.formParam("""aviationJob""", """false""")
.formParam("""address[locality]""", """SHELLHARBOUR""")
.formParam("""address[type]""", """L""")

Also The timestamp field had %3A instead of ‘:’ and %2B instead of ‘+’. Again these needed to be reset. Note that this stuff is fine in URL’s that clearly need to be URL encoded, but shouldn’t happen in Posted request parameters… at least when testing on a .NET web framework, which didn’t URL decode stuff.
